Azot Russian Hunter

Azot Russian Hunter
  • Brand: НПФ "Азот"
  • Product Code: Azot Русский Охотник
  • Availability: Out Of Stock
This product has a minimum quantity of 250

We are very careful about the richest Russian hunting traditions, we put a lot of energy and resources into the preservation and development of the Russian Hunting Culture, and it was this idea that has inspired us to create Azot Russian Hunter, a new line of hunting cartridge.

The Azot Russian Hunter cartridge is assembled on the most modern, new line, which has been acquired as part of the upgrade and reorganization of manufacturing and can significantly improve the quality of cartridge assembly.

The Azot Russian Hunter applies domestic gunpowder, which historically enjoys well-deserved authority among the Russian hunters. The gunpowder that we use to assemble the Russian Hunter is manufactured according to the formula elaborated with the direct participation of our technologists.

In this spring, we have already updated our warehouse base so that now we guarantee better storage of gunpowder to get positive impact on their ballistic features. The new air conditioning system in the powder gallery has significantly increased the stability of the characteristics of manufactured cartridges.

We hope that the Azot Russian Hunter will be able to pleasantly surprise hunters and satisfy the most discerning shooters with our new product.

Features Azot Russian Hunter:

Lead shot:nos. 0000 - 7.
Lead shot weight:32g.
Velocity, V0.5:419 m/s.
Pressure:690 bar.
Lead shot scree index, 35m:88%.
Penetration into dry pine plank (amount of pellet diameters):4 diameters or more.
Wad:Azot H14.
Cap:CX-2000 (France).

Price for 1 cartridge - 45.00 rubles.

1 pack contains 25 rounds. Tare place - 250 rounds of one type.

Tags: hunting


Delivery of cartridges is carried out when ordering from 1000 pcs. Tare place - 250 rounds of one type.

To ORDER cartridges and other products presented on this site, you can call:
• to our sales department (tel. + 7-495-995-12-85) on weekdays from 8:00 to 17:00 Moscow time;
• to our AzotStore (tel. + 7-496-551-05-51) from Mon to Sat from 10:00 to 17:00.

Also for goods, the sale of which is NOT REGULATED by the law "On weapons", you can place an order in our online store

Payment Methods:

•    Cashless payments

After placing the order, our sales managers will issue an invoice, which must be paid by the buyer.
Delivery of the order is carried out only after the prepayment of the order.

We deliver orders across Russia and the CIS. The possibility of delivery to your region, as well as its cost, must be specified in our sales department (tel. + 7-495-995-12-85, ext. 2).

The delivery time of the order depends on the availability of goods in the warehouse. If at the time of ordering all the selected goods are in stock, then we will deliver the order within 1 - 3 weeks, depending on the remoteness of your region. If the ordered product is out of stock, then the maximum delivery time for the order can be 8 weeks. But we try to deliver orders to customers as quickly as possible and 90% of customer orders are shipped within the first 3 weeks. If part of the goods from your order has not arrived at the warehouse after 3 weeks, we will send all the available goods, and then we will send you the rest of the order at our expense.