The central section of the MOOiR spaniels is the first section in Russia, which originated in Moscow more than 70 years ago. The organization is engaged in breeding various breeds of friendly spaniels and teaching proper hunting with a dog.
Every year, this section holds a reporting and re-election meeting, which can be attended by both members of the section and those who are just planning to join it. This time, the meeting was held on March 4 in the assembly hall of the Department of dog breeding MOOiR.
During the meeting, the reports of the sectors and the chairman of the section, the work plan for 2023 were discussed and the chairman of the section was selected and the members of the bureau were agreed.
Closer to the end of the event, the participants were awarded in the nominations "The best dog of the section" and "The best young dog of the section". It is not the first year that we have been supporting MOOIR and sponsoring various events, so this time we decided to support our friends and provide them with prizes for these nominations.
The people who actively participate in the life of the section and who have made a personal contribution to the development of the CSSMOOIR were not left without attention – they were awarded certificates of honor.
Now the members of the CC section of the MOOiR are the owners of all four breeds of spaniels registered in the RRS: Vakhtelkhunds, Russian hunting spaniels, English springers and Cocker spaniels.
We are very proud of our friendship with MOOiR and wish them further prosperity and success in their business!